Measuring Customer Loyalty: The Building Manufacturer’s Guide 

Measuring Customer Loyalty: The Building Manufacturer’s Guide 

Savannah Bobo

Man in blue overalls checking out woman holding pink bucket - measuring customer loyalty

When it comes to the building industry, customer demand is high but competition is savage. Customer loyalty isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must. But how do you know if your attempts to engage and retain customers are working? Let’s dig into effectively measuring customer loyalty. 

Understanding the Importance of Measuring Customer Loyalty 

Knowing your customers are loyal isn’t just a warm and fuzzy feeling. Customer loyalty secures repeat business, gets referrals, and ultimately drives revenue. Generally, investing in customer loyalty and retention is more cost effective than investing in customer acquisition. According to a Bain & Company study, a 5% increase in customer retention results in 25% more profit. 

But the challenge lies in quantifying something that seems intangible. This guide will show you the ropes. 

Key Metrics for Measuring Customer Loyalty 

To start measuring customer loyalty, you need to look at a few key performance indicators (KPIs). These aren’t just numbers—they’re insights into how well your strategies are working. 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

Ask your customers a simple question: “How likely are you to recommend us?” Present the average answers as a number on a scale of 1 to 100 and you have your Net Promoter Score (NPS). To keep things simple, companies typically ask customers to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, then convert the number into 1 out of 100. A NPS is one of the clearest and simplest ways you can measure customer loyalty. Bonus: if your NPS is high, you can market it. 

Why It Matters: A high NPS indicates customers are not just satisfied—they’re advocates. 

Challenge: Be skeptical of high scores if not matched with repeat business. 

Customer Retention Rate (CRR) 

How many customers keep coming back? Customer retention rate (CRR) is key to understanding long-term loyalty. There’s a simple formula Salesforce recommends for calculating CRR, in which you look at how many customers you have during a certain time frame. You subtract customers you acquired (N) from customers you have at the end (E) of the time period, then divide that number by the customers you have at the start (S), and then multiply the resulting number by 100. Here’s the formula: 

((E-N)/S) x 100 = CRR 

Why It Matters: It shows whether you’re successfully retaining customers and if your customer retention rate is improving. 

Challenge: Look beyond the numbers. If retention is high but engagement is low, you might need to reassess your approach. 

Loyalty Program KPIs 

An online loyalty program is one of the best ways to get data about customer loyalty. A points-based loyalty program where customers receive points they can spend in an online rewards catalog, yields the most data about customer interaction with the program, so the KPIs below are all based on a loyalty points program. 

Enrollment Percentage  

Is your target audience enrolling in the program? If not, investigate the reasons. Look at email open and click rates to identify where your messaging might be losing them. 

Average Enrollment Time 

Measure the time it takes for a participant to join your program after being invited. A short enrollment time indicates a clear value proposition and a straightforward enrollment process. 

Email Open Rates 

Rewards-related emails can have open rates up to twice as high as industry benchmarks. If your rates are lower, it might mean your emails aren’t resonating or your sending frequency needs adjustment. 

Email Click-Through Rates 

Click-through rates reveal how engaging your messages are. If participants open emails but don’t act, your content might need to be more compelling and to the point, given how hard it is to rise above the noise of your competition. 


Track how often your audience logs into your program. Low login numbers could indicate that participants forget about the program or struggle to access it. 

Awards or Points Distribution 

High distribution of awards or points shows your loyalty program is effectively motivating participants as intended. 

Reward Redemption 

For point-based digital rewards, monitor redemption rates. If participants aren’t redeeming points, consider a redemption campaign or adding expiration dates to create urgency. 

Overall Sales Increase 

Compare your company’s overall sales with sales driven by the loyalty program. Variations may be influenced by multiple factors, not just the program. 

Sales Increase of Specific Product or Audience 

Determine how many sales come from program participants versus non-participants. Participants should ideally contribute a significant portion of sales. 

Average Order Size and Frequency 

An increase in the average order size and purchase frequency suggests the program is positively influencing participant behavior. 

Participant Retention Rate 

Evaluate how many retained B2B customers are part of your loyalty program. High retention among participants indicates program success, whereas low impact on retention suggests the program needs improvement. 

Satisfaction Surveys 

Participant surveys can provide direct insights into how your program is perceived and highlight areas for enhancement. 

Testimonials and Referrals 

Track the business resulting from testimonials and referrals to gauge additional revenue attributable to your loyalty program. 

Actionable Steps to Improve Customer Loyalty 

Measuring is just the start. Here’s how you can take those insights and turn them into action. 

Enhance Customer Experience 

Every interaction counts. Make sure each touchpoint is seamless and adds value. 

  • Be Empathetic: Understand customer pain points and address them proactively. 
  • Challenge: Stay critical of your processes. Regularly review and improve them. 

Engage Through Personalization 

Personalized experiences can significantly boost loyalty. Use data to tailor your communications and offers. 

  • Direct Approach: Don’t just collect data—use it to make your customers feel valued. Offer them promotions on products they’re interested in, communicate with them in ways they prefer, etc. 
  • Skeptical View: Ensure personalization doesn’t come off as intrusive. 

Leveraging Technology for Better Insights 

In today’s digital age, you’ve got a wealth of tools at your disposal to help with improving and measuring customer loyalty. 

CRM Systems 

A robust CRM system helps you track customer interactions and identify loyalty trends. 

  • Why It Matters: Centralizes data for a clearer picture. 
  • Challenge: Don’t get lost in the data. Focus on actionable insights. 

Analytics Tools 

Use analytics to monitor customer behavior and satisfaction over time. 

  • Direct Benefit: Pinpoint what drives loyalty. 
  • Skeptical Angle: Numbers don’t tell the whole story. Supplement with qualitative feedback. 

The Role of Feedback in Measuring Customer Loyalty 

Never underestimate the power of direct feedback. It’s one of the most honest indicators of loyalty. 

Conduct Regular Surveys 

Regularly ask for feedback to stay aligned with customer expectations. 

  • Empathetic Approach: Show customers you value their opinions. 
  • Challenge: Act on the feedback. Don’t just collect it. 

Monitor Social Media 

Your customers are talking—are you listening? Social media provides real-time insights into customer sentiments. 

  • Why It Matters: Provides unfiltered feedback. 
  • Challenge: Separate the signal from the noise. Focus on constructive comments. 

Making Customer Loyalty a Cornerstone of Your Strategy 

Measuring customer loyalty isn’t a one-and-done deal. It requires ongoing effort and adaptation. Remember, it’s not just about knowing if your customers are loyal—it’s about understanding why and using that insight to foster even stronger relationships. By focusing on key metrics, leveraging technology, and valuing feedback, building manufacturers can create robust loyalty strategies that drive long-term success. 

Want to learn more about measuring customer loyalty?