Texas Roadhouse Focuses on Tangible Rewards

Texas Roadhouse Focuses on Tangible Rewards

Alli Smith


An employee rewards program is a significant tool that can be used to motivate and engage employees. Texas Roadhouse knows this. The barbecue restaurant chain tweaked their existing incentive programs in 2010, to focus on tangible gifts rather than direct cash incentives.

According to USA Today, exercise and travel incentives are part of the company’s new rewards direction.

In line with a number of other companies, Texas Roadhouse is using a points system in which employees, including managers accrue points during the years. The points can be swapped for vacations to places such as San Francisco, New York City, and other desired locations, or for other available rewards.

Texas Roadhouse CEO G.J. Hart explained, “Our biggest asset is the people that run our restaurants and that work there. And like any asset, if you want a return on that asset, you need to invest in it,”

To cover all bases, the program is designed to focus on both individual employees and groups, such as managers. The most recent reward provided managers from the chain’s 337 facilities with a trip to NYC.

The Louisville Courier-Journal reported that rounding out the travel incentives, Texas Roadhouse employees are provided no-cost access to gyms and even personal trainers. And, keeping an eye on social issues, the company’s rewards program even allows for employees to be rewarded for charitable actions.

Employee recognition through rewards incentives is a tried and effective business strategy used to enhance employee motivation, engagement, customer loyalty, and productivity. And, companies taking advantage of these strategies are reaping the benefits.