How to grow your subscriber list organically

How to grow your subscriber list organically

Korina Skhinas

Good things take time. Especially those made from scratch. The same can be said of your subscriber list.When you first start building your marketing strategy, it can be tempting to purchase ready-made lists to kick off your Extu campaigns. However, this universally bad idea can leave recipients with a bad taste in their mouths.

In other words, a from-scratch subscriber list is best served organically. It’s a more sustainable strategy that can lead to higher engagement and growth potential.

But if you’re feeling intimidated about setting up your own email list or simply aren’t sure where to start, you’re not alone. This subscriber list how-to will help you take the actionable steps needed to cook up a list naturally.

Create and share engaging content

First things first, start by crafting incentivizing content for your soon-to-be subscribers.

What you share will ultimately depend on your audience, but research-driven content is a key ingredient for keeping them captivated.

Fortunately, you don’t have to create great content alone.

With options like Extu’s marketing services, you can select from high-quality monthly content that’s tailored to your audience:

  • Thought leadership content
  • Product content with specials and offers
  • Lead generation content
  • Custom content – offer special deals and giveaways

Remember, what you send and post matters most. The more dynamic your content, the more engaged and loyal your readership is likely to be.

Set up subscribe forms and lead magnets

After you’ve drawn in web visitors by leveraging your Extu content, or created a lead magnet of your own, use the opportunity to convert them to subscribers.

When growing your list organically, you always want to make it as simple as possible for subscribers to sign up for your mailing list.

Some popular ways to collect emails sign ups include:

  • From your landing page
  • With exit pop-ups
  • A scrolling header bar
  • As part of a promotional offering
  • CTAs in your blog post
  • For loyalty program sign-up
  • On customer invoices
  • During the checkout process
  • As a link in your email signature
  • Pen and paper (yes, really)

Whichever route you choose, just make sure your users have given their consent and that your opt-in form is GDPR-compliant (General Data Protection Regulation). It’s also a good idea to capture some general information outside their name and email if you want to later implement any personalization.

Want some technical assistance? Inexpensive email marketing tools such as Campaign Monitor and OptinMonster can help you create GDPR-approved newsletter checkboxes and opt-in forms.

Promote across channels

Cross-promotional marketing helps new businesses maximize their reach by connecting with new audiences as well as their existing networks.

Webinars are a budget-friendly tactic for solopreneurs and small business owners who want to economically grow their email list. You don’t need any extra equipment or software, just your computer’s built-in microphone and some slides.

Hosting a webinar isn’t only a popular way to get in front of potential customers. It’s also a seamless way to collect email subscribers. When attendees register for the event, their contact information can be automatically added to your subscriber list.

Other SMBs lean on LinkedIn network strategies to share content and drive sign ups or add sign up forms to grow their email list through Facebook and Twitter content.

Growing your subscriber list isn’t a one-and-done deal. It will take time and constant attention. Be patient with yourself and allow your list to grow organically. With these tips and your Extu campaigns, you have a recipe for success.