Online rewards for your channel incentive program? You’re onto something.

Complex channel marketing needs powerful incentives.
That’s where Extu’s online channel incentives come in.

We have more than just rewards.

Our incentive technology and expertise turn your rewards program into a true channel marketing and management tool.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

The Technology

Build a custom channel sales incentive program with our suite of plug-and-play modules. Add automated sales claims verification, online training, a mobile app and more.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

Millions of Rewards

Our online rewards catalog has millions of items, including merchandise rewards, travel experiences and event tickets. Your channel partners can earn the rewards that really motivate them.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

In-House Expertise

Our Account Managers are ROI-certified to lead your channel incentive program to glory, while our in-house programmers keep our platform updated with the latest technology.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

Free Reports

We’re the only channel incentive company that gives reports away with system set-up! Access these 50 free reports so you can carefully analyze your program’s performance and get better results anytime, anywhere, for free.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs


Our system comes with a free communication tool, allowing you to easily update and inform your entire sales channel with email, texts, mobile push notifications, mailers and more.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

User Database

Update your channel partner and end-user database with up-to-date information. Cleaner data leads to more effective marketing.

Online Rewards for Channel Incentive Programs

Mobile Optimization

All participant-facing features are mobile optimized, so your sales channel partners can easily access them from home, in the field, in the office…wherever!

Channel management gets complicated…

….especially when your competition is targeting the same customers you need to motivate and market to. When it comes to incentive programs, your goals don’t have to be too far to reach.

Keep all your marketing efforts in one place with a powerful, online channel sales incentive program that helps your business fire on all cylinders!

Keep all your marketing efforts in one place with a powerful, online channel sales incentive program that helps your business fire on all cylinders.