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Ready to Kickstart Your Channel Success?

Looking for incentive program options? Ready to dive deeper and clarify the best option for your business?

We’re here to help you celebrate your channel partners with strategic incentives that offer the right rewards at the right time.

Ask Your Questions

Let’s talk channel strategy and solutions.

Explore how an incentives program can save time and resources, tailor benefits for employees, and how Extu excels at organizing them. Your program should be built to meet your individual needs and drive exponential channel growth, at every opportunity.

Kickstart Your Channel Success

Channel Incentive Programs

Increase sales by celebrating high performing channel partners with compelling rewards.

Incentive Management 101.

Kickstart Your Channel Success

Save Time and Resources

A good B2B loyalty program needs efficient software and a dedicated team supporting it.

Kickstart Your Channel Success

Employee Loyalty Programs

Create a program that encourages a culture of performance and accountability by celebrating desired behaviors, such as take security training, and completing projects early.

Motivated and honor employees


Extra credit reading for people who like to be in the know.

Want to learn more about running a successful loyalty program?